Over the years, the Mac GUI has revolutionized how we interact with our computers, making tasks more intuitive and accessible. However, many users still turn to the command line for its powerful ability to control, automate, and configure features on the Mac that might not be readily accessible through the graphical interface. The Terminal app, in particular, can streamline basic and repetitive tasks, and commands can even be chained together to enhance their functionality.
Learning some fundamental command line interface (CLI) commands can significantly boost your efficiency and understanding of leveraging these tools on a modern Mac. Whether you’re looking to automate tasks, manage system settings, or just explore the capabilities of the Terminal, mastering these commands is an excellent step towards becoming more proficient. So, open up Terminal and experiment with the commands below to unlock new productivity levels.
Accessing the Terminal App
For anyone using a Mac built since the debut of Mac OS X in 2001, the Terminal app provides access to the command-line interface through a UNIX-based shell. This powerful tool allows users to interact directly with their operating system beyond the standard graphical user interface. Here’s how you can access and use the Terminal app on your Mac:
Finding Terminal: You can locate Terminal inside the Applications folder under Utilities. To quickly navigate there, open a Finder window and press Command + Shift + U. This shortcut will take you directly to the Utilities folder where Terminal resides.
Opening Terminal: Double-click on the Terminal icon to open the application. It will launch as a black window with a blinking cursor, ready for you to type in commands.
Using Terminal: Commands are entered using the keyboard, and you execute them by pressing Return. The terminal will display any relevant output, though some commands may not produce visible results.
Exploring Beyond the GUI: While macOS offers a rich graphical interface with features like the Control Center, Terminal allows you to delve deeper into the system’s functionality. It provides a way to access and control aspects of macOS that are not immediately available through the GUI.
Keeping Up with Updates: Even with macOS Sonoma, Apple continues to enhance Terminal, ensuring it remains a robust tool for interacting with the UNIX command line. This ongoing support makes the Mac versatile for users seeking to maximize their computer’s capabilities.
By utilizing Terminal, you can gain more profound control over your Mac, automate tasks, and explore features that go beyond the conventional graphical interface.
Essential Terminal Commands for Mac Users
Change Directory
Command: cd
What It Does: The cd command allows you to change the current working directory in Terminal. This enables you to navigate different folders, execute commands in various directories, view contents, or open files elsewhere. If you lose track of your current directory, use the pwd command to print the working directory path and see where you are.
Example Usage:
Bash cd /path/to/directory/ |
(Figure A)
Listing Directory
Command: ls
What It Does: The ls command lists the contents of the current directory. After changing directories with cd, use ls to see the files and folders. For more detailed information, including file permissions, owner, and creation date, use the -l option with ls (e.g., ls -l).
Example Usage:
Bash ls /path/to/directory/ |
(Figure B)
Create a Directory
Command: mkdir
What It Does: The mkdir command creates a new directory (folder) within the current working directory or at a specified path. This is useful for organizing files and creating a structure within your file system.
How to Use It: If you need to create multiple nested directories, use mkdir -p /path/to/directory/with/subdirectories.
Example Usage:
Bash mkdir /path/to/new/directory |
(Figure G)
Remove an Empty Directory
Command: rmdir
What It Does: Use the rmdir command to delete an empty directory. If you need to remove a directory that has files or other directories inside it, rmdir will not work; you’ll need to use a different command for that purpose.
Example Usage:
Bash rmdir /path/to/directory |
(Figure H)
Remove Nested Directories
Command: rm -R
What It Does: The rm -R command (or rm -rf for force removal) recursively deletes a directory along with all of its contents, including nested directories and files. This command is powerful and irreversible, so use it with caution. It does not move items to the Trash; deleted files and directories are permanently removed.
Example Usage:
Bash rm -R /path/to/root/directory |
(Figure I)
Open Files
Command: open
What It Does: The open command lets you open files with their associated applications directly from the Terminal. Simply type open followed by a space and the file name. You can also use the tab to auto-compile file names.
Example Usage:
Bash open filename |
(Figure C)
Copy a File to Another Directory
Command: cp
What It Does: The cp command copies a file from one location to another or creates a duplicate of the file with a new name. Specify the source file first, followed by the destination path and new filename. You can also use cp -r to copy directories and their contents recursively.
Example Usage:
Bash cp filename /path/to/newfilename |
(Figure D)
Move a File
Command: mv
What It Does: Use the mv command to move a file from one location to another. Unlike cp, which copies files, mv removes the file from its original location and places it in the new location.
Example Usage:
Bash mv filename /path/to/new/location/ |
(Figure E)
Create a Text File
Command: touch
What It Does: The touch command creates a new, empty file in the specified location. Although the file is blank, you can later open it in a text editor to add content.
Example Usage:
Bash touch myfile.txt |
(Figure F)
Clear the Terminal Screen
Command: clear
What It Does: The clear command removes all previously typed commands and output from the Terminal screen, giving you a fresh workspace. This can be particularly useful for decluttering your view and starting anew. Alternatively, you can achieve the same result by pressing Command + K.
Example Usage:
Bash clear |
Using this command helps maintain a tidy and organized Terminal interface, making it easier to focus on your current tasks.
Execute Commands with Superuser Privileges
Command: sudo
What It Does: sudo stands for “superuser do” and grants temporary administrator privileges to execute commands that require elevated rights. This is necessary for modifying system files, installing software, changing system configurations, or performing actions that affect the entire system.
How to Use It: Precede any command with sudo to run it as a superuser. After entering the command, you’ll be prompted to type your account’s password. For security, the Terminal will not display the typed password. Once entered, the command will be executed with admin privileges.
Caution: Using sudo allows you to make significant changes to your system. Be sure of the command you’re running to avoid unintended damage.
Example Usage:
Bash sudo rm -R /system/important-directory |
(Figure J)
In this example, sudo deletes a directory that requires administrative permissions to access. After typing this command, you’ll be prompted to enter your password. Once confirmed, the directory and its contents will be deleted. Always use sudo responsibly, as improper use can result in the loss of critical system files or settings.
Quit Sub-Screen and Return to Terminal
Command: q
What It Does: The q command is used to quit out specific commands or programs that are running within the Terminal. It is beneficial when you are viewing lengthy outputs, like in the man (manual) pages, or using the less command, where you scroll through content. When you’re finished or want to return to the primary Terminal prompt, pressing q will return you to the command line.
Alternative Method: If you’re dealing with a command or process that continues running indefinitely (like some scripts or services), pressing Control + C will forcefully terminate the process.
Example Usage:
Bash man ls |
After executing the man ls command to view the manual for the ls command, the screen will fill with text once you’ve reviewed the content, press q to return to the main Terminal interface.
(Figure L)
This command is a simple but crucial tool for navigating Terminal-based programs without restarting the Terminal session.
List Actively Running Computer Processes
Command: top
What It Does: The top command provides real-time system statistics and a detailed list of active processes on your Mac. It’s a handy command for monitoring your system’s performance without leaving the command line interface. When executed, top displays crucial metrics such as CPU and memory usage, disk activity, and the status of running applications. It’s similar to MacOS’s Activity Monitor but is accessible directly from the Terminal. You can see which apps or processes consume the most system resources, making troubleshooting slowdowns or high resource usage easier.
How to Exit: Since top runs continuously, to stop the process and return to the Terminal command prompt, press Control + C.
Example Usage:
Bash top |
(Figure K)
With the top command, you have immediate insight into your Mac’s resource allocation, helping you better manage system performance and applications.
Get a One-Line Description for a Command
Command: whatis
What It Does: The whatis command provides a brief, one-line description of any command available on your Mac. It’s a handy way to quickly understand what a specific command does without needing to read through the entire manual (man) pages. This is especially helpful when you’re learning new commands and want a quick overview without getting bogged down by details.
Example Usage:
Bash whatis mkdir |
(Figure O)
This command will return something like mkdir (1) – make directories, giving you a quick summary of what the mkdir command does. It’s a simple yet effective tool for navigating the vast range of Terminal commands.
With whatis, you’ll have a quick way to understand new commands, ensuring you’re always aware of the tools at your disposal.
Copy Contents of a Folder to a New Folder
Command: ditto
What It Does: The ditto command is used to copy the contents of one folder to another, preserving file structure and metadata. This is particularly useful when you want to duplicate a folder’s contents in a new location or backup files on an external drive. Unlike the cp command, ditto handles directory structures more efficiently and can be used to merge folders.
Extended Features:
You can use ditto with the -V flag (verbose) to display detailed output as it copies each file. This ensures you can track the process and confirm which files have been copied. Additionally, ditto can copy hidden files and handle resource forks, making it more versatile than other file-copying commands in macOS.
Example Usage:
Bash ditto -V MyFolder MyNewFolder |
(Figure N)
In this example, the contents of MyFolder will be copied into MyNewFolder, and you’ll see a detailed list of each file that gets copied, ensuring everything is transferred correctly. This command is ideal for tasks like duplicating project directories or transferring large sets of files between locations with complete visibility into the process.
By using ditto, you’ll have a powerful tool to handle folder duplication and file transfers with more control and precision compared to more straightforward copy commands.
Take Power Over Your Mac System
Being able to use the command-line interface (CLI) on your Mac can give you greater control and flexibility, especially in a variety of situations:
Restarting misbehaving apps: Sometimes, applications freeze or become unresponsive. Instead of rebooting your entire system, you can use commands like kill or top to identify and restart the troubled app directly from the Terminal.
Tapping into your Mac’s power: The command line lets you go beyond graphical user interface (GUI) limitations. Whether you’re tweaking settings, automating tasks with shell scripts, or exploring system functions unavailable in the Finder, the Terminal grants access to more powerful tools.
Managing multiple Macs remotely: If you are responsible for managing multiple Macs, you can use the Terminal’s SSH (Secure Shell) unavailable to log into other Macs on the same network or remotely and issue commands to maintain or troubleshoot them. This allows remote file management, software updates, and even restarting systems’ physical access.
No matter your needs, mastering Terminal commands allows you to take complete control of macOS. Mac’s UNIX underpinnings offer a robust and flexible foundation, accessible via the Terminal, providing access to features often hidden from primary users. Learning these commands is the first step toward becoming a Mac power user and unlocking your system’s full potential.